Up your game!


Up your game! ~

I am a PR manager for Gearbox Publishing by day,

& an indie dev producer by nights-and-weekends.

I offer all kinds of indie game marketing consultancy services.

Hi, I’m Jules!

What's your story?


What's your story? ~

Let’s connect!

Every game, developer, studio, publisher, journalist, content creator - we all have a unique story to tell. When you’re making your dream game, figuring out marketing and competing for attention can be really daunting. But it doesn’t have to be!

With the right care, finding your voice and sharing your vision to the world can be a rewarding, introspective experience. Connect with your audiences and players in meaningful ways that feel authentic to you and your game.

Previous work

Here are a just few games I am proud to have contributed PR and marketing skills to:

And more!

How can I help you?

There are a lot of ways we can work together!

  • Are you an early career games PR coordinator? I’ve been there, and it’s not aways easy! Sometimes you’ll want career advice and someone to rely on for honest opinions. I can help be your guide to the best of my ability and help you find your voice as a PR!

  • You’re the captain of your game, and now you need a marketing cartographer to chart the big open ocean for you. We can sit down, talk about your goals, and plan big picture marketing moments to go along with your production milestones.

  • Need pitching advice, tips on connecting with journalists and content creators, or ways to tell your studio’s story? We can zoom in on more specific ways to get your game noticed by the right folks.

  • Branding doesn't always have to feel inauthentic or catering to the hottest trends. Together, we can look at the market landscape, find where you best fit compared to other titles, and work on filtering your core messages down to the essentials so your website, social media, Steam page, and visual assets all share the same cohesive feeling that lands with the right audiences.

  • What kind of screenshots convey your gameplay the best? How do you design your key art? What's a logo that suits the game's vibe? How do you make a good trailer? You'll encounter all these questions and more when you're ready to show your game to the world. I can help guide your asset kit creation process to make your game's press kit and storefront visuals as impactful as possible.

  • Got a sensitive topic in your game and don’t know how address it with your audiences? I can weigh in to ensure your messages are clear, concise, and consistent while also being as respectful as possible. Please note that I am not the right person to provide accurate sensitivity readings towards most racial, ethnic, disability, and/or religious representations, however I’d be grateful to help connect you to appropriate, available consultants.

  • Interviews can be one of the most fun and rewarding parts of the marketing process. To make sure you are prepared for any type of question, we can go over interview best practices and do guided mock interview rehearsals.

  • I can only offer support on a limited, skill swap basis. If we feel that you need more comprehensive PR and marketing support, I can help link you with experienced agencies and professional freelancers that will invest resources into a holistic marketing campaign for you.